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I went into the race weekend knowing it was going to take a lot out of me. Unbound is a huge event, arguably the paramount gravel race in the world. I knew being my best self as a coach, full of positive energy and calm reassurance meant I would need more energy and time for my athletes so I chose to race the 50 miler. It was really fun lining up with such an enormous field and I experienced a lot of those nervous start line feelings. I’ve raced Unbound 200 and I’ve coached the Unbound Gravel training camp. I know how unforgiving the terrain can be and how extreme the conditions can get. I...


Coach Brad Stahlman and Coach Scott Jordan have dialed in practical strategies to increase their performance under intense heat conditions. This summer, Coach Scott finished 1st in his AG at the Keys 50 and 3rd in his AG at Western States Endurance Run. Coach Brad crushed the South Florida weather and completed the Keys 100.

Here’s some of their best advice that has recently helped them when temperature...

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Dear Leadville,

As I sit in my patio chair in the deck after a long day of riding bikes, working, running kids to hockey and picking up dog poop in the yard, I begin to reflect on my life and how it aligns to the Spirit of Leadville.

Oh my sweet Leadville, we have danced 12 successful times together. Each dance was a different song, but the heart and soul that we have put out there leaves us both yearning for more!

This year marks my 13th Leadville 100 MTB race. It’s going to be awesome! This one is different. Very different!...


I am not a lifelong athlete. I don’t have athletic DNA. I’m 55 years old, live at sea level in a state whose biggest climbs are the overpasses and I’m 6’2/ 190 pounds. I realize this is not the ideal scenario for racing mountain bikes in the Rockies. I’m just a guy off the couch who believes you can achieve remarkable things if you truly believe in yourself, surround yourself with the right people and commit to the goal.

Sounds really inspiring, right? Well on February 18, 2023, while pre-running an XC course, I misjudged a feature on the course and found myself on the ground in...


I am writing my story to inspire the heck out of every athlete who is trying to overcome an injury because injuries do happen, and we all fear it can destroy our hard work and dreams.

Seven years ago, on a different continent and hemisphere an armed robber pushed a gun to my leg and pulled the trigger. I had just returned home from competing in my third Ironman, feeling strong and probably in the best shape of my life. As good endings go, my fitness and strength saved my life. The bullet severed my femoral artery, shattered my femur, and disintegrated a section of my quadricep,...


I have always been a runner. Running is existential for me; it is where I feel most alive. By the same token, I have always enjoyed spending long days in nature. Growing up in Hawaii, I spent long days hiking and surfing. Since in Colorado, I have relished spending long days hiking in the mountains, especially at altitude above the tree line.

For most of my adult life, I have been a road runner. In my late 40s and early 50s, still primarily a road runner, I would jump in the Leadville Heavy Half for the pure joy of doing a 13er with aid stations. I had a blast – running it in road...


You'll learn a range of topics, from mindset training and mental toughness, to the importance of learning both Persist and Resist mental strategies. If you're looking to perform at your peak this season, this webinar series is a tremendous value add.


This is a question I frequently get: With a large family, a full-time job, and countless other commitments, how do I find time to train for ultras and coach other athletes? The first answer is simply, "That's who I am," but clearly, there's more to unpack.

At the highest level, you must understand your life priorities, guiding principles, or simply your "why." My personal priorities are Faith, Family, Fitness, and Fellowship. These priorities ensure that at every decision, I'm reminded of what is important to me and strive to make those decisions in a way that supports that version...

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As I get older, I have a greater perspective on the number of commitments that make up the majority of my daily life. Like most athletes that I coach, I work hard to juggle a demanding work schedule (outside of coaching), family activities, kids schedules, home projects (I still need to make time to take down the Clark Griswold style Christmas lights from this past holiday season), planning healthy meals, spending time with friends, making time for one on one time with my wife, walking the dog, cleaning the house, putting my girls to bed, focusing on my faith, and of course squeezing in...

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Many people view the new year as a chance to set new goals and create positive changes. What is the key ingredient to creating positive changes in our lives? Consistency. How do you maintain a consistent approach to training not just in January but throughout the entire year? Three things to consider: giving yourself a period of reflection, setting realistic goals, and identifying accountability partners.

Period of Reflection

The holiday season is a time of gift giving for most of us and one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a period of honest reflection....


As the chill of winter descends upon the mountains, cycling endurance athletes often find themselves transitioning into the off-season, a period often overlooked but critical for long-term success. While the temptation to lose a bit of focus, indulge at holiday gatherings, and to hibernate from training may be strong, this key downtime can be used as a golden opportunity.

At Boundless Coaching, we coach our athletes to embrace the seasonality of training and use the winter months to recharge, set new goals, and explore alternative training modalities. This proven approach helps keep...

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You work hard. You train your body. You’re disciplined and committed to improving your fitness. You follow a plan for getting stronger and faster and you push yourself towards goals that matter. In your life of being an athlete, one important element may be getting left behind, however. Your mind. Sure, we’ve all been hearing so much about sports psychology and how important things like “mental toughness” and “grit” are in reaching peak performance. But has anyone ever structured a training plan for your mind in a similar fashion for how you train your body? I’m here to change that. Here’s...


Climbing up the first major ascent of the Wasatch Front 100, my legs were already tired. We were less than seven miles into the day, which at Wasatch meant at least 27 more hours of work. I knew my mental game was the only thing that would reliably keep me moving forward.

Nine months earlier I had gotten the incredible news that my name was drawn in the Leadville Trail 100 lottery. Leadville is my absolute favorite race and I had waited five years to toe the line again. This would be my fourth Leadville and I planned to focus my entire year on the...


Before working with Boundless, I didn't think a strategic training plan was necessary to accomplish my running goals. I am not a pro-runner. I am just a guy who loves to test myself against mountain courses and improve on what I have done in the past. But through working with a Boundles coach, I learned that in order to maximize my potential, my training needed to be intentional.

In high school, I was taught to always push myself; to go harder, and to dig deeper. A running mentor once told me that if everyone else was giving 100%, I needed to give 110% in...

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Did you know, at 14,000 ft the air has 43% less oxygen than at sea level!?

So how do we train for Altitude?

Here’s a few tips:

1. Gradual Acclimatization: it's crucial to gradually acclimatize your body to the reduced oxygen levels. Start by training at moderate altitudes and gradually increase the elevation over time. This allows your body to adapt and build red blood cells, which carry oxygen more efficiently. Rapidly ascending to extreme altitudes increases the risk of altitude sickness.

2. You burn more energy at high altitudes. The exact increase in energy...
